Renew the Mind

Life Ministry believes that is possible to end homelessness in Detroit. This first starts with showing God’s love as God is who we believe will ultimately guide those who seek Him out of their plights. We each must first believe and trust in God’s love in order to fully give Him our lives to guide us. It is through this focus on love that we offer all of our programs to help renew our brothers and sisters’ minds.


We are each blessed to be able to have our own individual relationships with God. He knows us all to our core and sacrificed Himself to save us. This class explores how to develop an intimate and authentic relationship with God. It covers the importance of reading the Bible to understand God’s story, the power of prayer and meditation, how to find appreciation in our daily lives, and practices to regularly stay connected to God through the Holy Spirit.


This program is intended to help students rise and stay at a solvency level. We do this by teaching budgeting, brainstorming individualized ways to make money, and minimizing factors that limit financial growth.


We each have wounds that will keep us from being our best selves until we learn how to address and manage them. We can help each other on this journey through communication and support. This program is a support group that encourages open communication of one’s own struggles and the opportunity to hear others’ struggles and realize that we are all healing.


These programs provide us with the opportunity to connect and deepen our relationship with God in a supportive environment. The Bible Study Groups give us the opportunity to read the Bible out loud and discuss what these verses reveal about God and how we can best apply them to our lives. The prayer and meditation hours will teach different practices on how to connect with God from periods of silent reflection to the clearing of one’s mind through meditation to journaling to praying for one’s self along with others.