The Homeless – Poem by Patricia Grantham

Treading the highways and byways seemingly without a care
Walking about the streets alone nobody knows you’re there
Pushing a cart so ladened with all of their earthly goods
Sleeping under a bridge at night or camping out in the woods

When you come into their presence all you can do is just stare
They return the look that shows only emptiness is lurking there
If only something you could say but you’re caught at a lost for words
Remember God watches over them the same as He does for the birds

Even the homeless have a place to lay down their weary heads
They pile their clothes up so high just to build makeshift beds
Catching water from a leaky faucet just to get a cool drink
Survival is a constant struggle always living life on the brink

They also have a circle of friends and gather together as a group
Sometimes food is plentiful and at times just a cup of soup
They will always be a part of society that’s called the human race
Lets not look at the outside but on the inside that is full of grace